
We are a social network and online platform for individuals and companies that seek to offer and receive products and services of all kinds in a secure environment.

The mission of Citizenchat is to put people and companies from all over the world in contact so that they are more productive and have better results in the offer of their products and services. Our registered users ("Members") share their professional identity, relate to their network of contacts, exchange information and professional knowledge, publish and view relevant content and take advantage of business opportunities. The content of some of our services can also be seen by people who are not registered ("Visitors"). We believe that our services allow our Members to compete effectively and implement their full professional potential. The cornerstone of our company is to give absolute priority to our Members.

We protect your personal information using standard techniques of the sector and in accordance with our personal data treatment policy. We may share your personal information if we previously have your authorization informed; for this we inform you that this authorization is understood granted with the acceptance of conditions and with your registration in the platform.

We will always keep you informed when significant changes are made to this Privacy Policy.

Having your trust is our main concern, and, therefore, we observe the following principles to protect your privacy:

This Privacy Policy applies to Citizenchat and other mobile applications or not and websites that come from this platform. We may modify this Privacy Policy from time to time, and if we introduce material changes, we will notify you through our Service or through other means so that you can review it before continuing to use our Services; once informed of the change it will be understood that you accept them in full if you continue using the platform. If you do not agree with any of the changes, you can close your account. The act of continuing to use our Services after we post or communicate any changes to this Privacy Policy will mean that you agree to the changes.

1. Information that we compile:

1.1. Data control managers:

Citizenchat is responsible for the processing of the personal data compiled. Our Privacy Policy applies to any Member or Visitor. We collect information when you use our Services to offer you a personalized and relevant experience, including the increase of your network and the promotion of business opportunities.

If you have any questions about the transmission of your information to us or the fact that such information is published in our Services or otherwise used in any way provided in this Privacy Policy and in the Terms of Use, then you should not be a Member, neither visit our websites, applications or otherwise use our Services. If you have already registered, you can close your accounts.

By becoming a member of Citizenchat you expressly authorize that the personal data provided be processed, transferred and transmitted even internationally.

We collect your personal information in the following ways.

1.2. Registry:

When you create an account on Citizenchat, we collect information (including your name, mobile number, email address and password).
To create an account on Citizenchat, you must provide at least your name, email address or mobile number, a password and accept our Terms of Use and this Privacy Policy, which governs the way we treat your information.
During the registration process you can provide additional information (such as your zip code, job title, company, experience, work references, academic credentials) to help you create your profile and provide more personalized services (such as profile pages in a specific language, updates, content, most relevant announcements and job opportunities).

By registering on the platform, you understand that by creating an account, we and third parties can identify you by your profile. Likewise, you accept that Citizenchat can ask for your credit card information and other credit information if you purchase certain additional services.

1.3. Profile information:

We collect information when filling out a profile. A complete profile that includes professional details - such as your position, education and skills - will help you find other people to offer you opportunities.

Once you create an account, you can provide additional information in your Citizenchat profile such as describing your skills, your professional experience or your academic background. It can include recognitions and awards, professional affiliations, the groups to which it belongs, its objectives to establish a network of contacts, the companies and people it follows, and other information, including content. Depending on the configuration you choose, your contacts can provide recommendations and validations. If you provide additional information, you will get more out of our Services as this section will help you express your professional identity, find other professionals, opportunities and information, as found by the personnel selection technicians and the people who can offer you opportunities to deal. It also allows us to provide advertisements and other relevant content inside and outside of our Services.

1.4. Address book and other Services that are synchronized with Citizenchat:

We collect information when you synchronize content outside of Citizenchat, such as your email address book, the contacts on your mobile device or your calendar, with your account. You can delete your address book and any other synchronized information whenever you want.

We store this information (including phone numbers) and use it to help you manage and take advantage of your contacts in relation to our Services. We also use this information to improve your experience of our Services by helping you to increase your network: identifying your contacts who are already Members of our Services; providing you with a template to send invitations on your behalf to your non-Member contacts; and suggesting people you might know (even if they are not among your contacts) but who are not connected to you in our Services (which we can deduce from contacts or shared managers, from companies, from educational institutions and other similar factors). In addition, we may use this information to show you and other Members who share the same uploaded contacts, who may or may not be Citizenchat Members.

Please note that when you send an invitation to connect with another person in our Service (a "contact"), or to join our Service to connect you, that person can access your email address or, for invitations by SMS, to your mobile phone number because it may appear in the invitation. After sending these invitations, we can also remember that person who has invited you. Your Citizenchat contacts will also have access to your email address.

We offer other tools to synchronize information with our Services and we can also develop other functions for Members to use their accounts with third-party services. For example, our mobile applications allow you to synchronize your device's calendar, email applications or contacts with our Services to show you the Citizenchat profiles that will attend a meeting, the people with whom you interact by email or your contacts

Another example is the software tools that allow you to view our information and other public information about people with whom you communicate by email and know, and take advantage of our Services to help you obtain information and expand your network of contacts. If you give permission to these products (mobile applications or other Services of ours that synchronize with external and calendar email services) to access your email and calendar accounts, they will access and may store a portion of the message header information of email and calendar history. Our products that synchronize with external email services can also temporarily store message content in the cache for performance reasons, in a way that is unreadable to us and our service providers.

Any information that you upload or synchronize with our Services is included in the Terms of Use and in this Privacy Policy. You can delete your information at any time using the available functions or in accordance with the provisions of clause 3. You can delete your address book and any other synchronized information whenever you want.

1.5. Customer Service:

We collect information when you contact our Customer Service through email. When you contact our customer services (for example, in our Help Center), we may have to access your messages, your groups and other contributions to our Services and gather the information we need to categorize your question, answer it and, if applicable, investigate any violation of our Terms of Use or this Privacy Policy. We also use this information to track potential problems and trends, and customize our responses in order to better serve you.

1.6. Use of websites and Citizenchat applications:

We collect information when you visit our Services, use our mobile applications and interact with advertisements inside and outside of our Services.

We collect information when you use (either Member or Visitor) our websites, applications or platform technology or other Services. For example, we collect information when you see or click on ads inside and outside of our Services, perform a search, import your address book, join and participate in groups, participate in surveys, install one of our mobile applications, view content, Share articles in our Services and request vacancies or employment opportunities through our Services. If you are connected to Citizenchat, or to another Service or one of our cookies on your device, your usage information and the data of the logs described in clause 1.10 of this policy, such as your IP address, will be associated to your account. . Even if you are not connected to a Service, we collect information about the devices used to access our Services, including the IP address.

1.7. Use of third-party services and visits to third-party websites:

We collect information when you use your account to log in to other websites or services, and when you see web pages that include add-ons (plugins) and cookies. It allows us to receive information when you use your account to log in to the website or in the application of a third party. In addition, when you visit the site of a third party that integrates our social supplements, we receive information that those pages have been uploaded to your web browser. If you are connected as a Member when visiting sites with our add-ons, we will use that information to recommend personalized content. We will use this information to customize the function we provide on third-party websites, including information about your professional network and the option to share information with your network. Data collection is addressed in clause 3.2. We can send reports containing anonymous impressions to companies that host our add-ons and similar technologies to help them measure traffic to their websites, but not personal data. It also allows us to receive information about your visits and interactions with websites and services of our partners that include our cookies and similar technologies. If you are not a Member, you will be subject to the online terms between our partners and you.

1.8. Cookies:

We use cookies and similar technologies to collect information.

As described in our Cookies Policy, we use cookies and similar technologies, including mobile device identifiers, to help us recognize you in your use of the different Services, find out your interests inside and outside of our Services, improve your experience, increase security , measure the use and effectiveness of our Services and offer publicity. You can control cookies through the configuration of your browser and other tools. By visiting our Services, you accept that cookies and beacons are placed on your browser and HTML emails in accordance with this Privacy Policy, which incorporates by reference our Cookies Policy.

1.9. Advertising technologies and web beacons:

We use advertising technologies and web beacons to gather information. We offer you different ways of not seeing segmented ads, including the Advertising Options icon that appears with any advertisement on third-party websites. If you do not want us to track your behavior on third-party websites, you can report it to customer support using email.

We offer personalized advertisements (and we measure performance) to Members, Visitors and others within and outside of our Services through a variety of ad networks and exchanges, using the following means, independently or in combination:

We do not share your personal information with any advertiser or advertising ad networks without your explicit permission, however, we warn you that this authorization is granted when accessing our services. Note that, as described in clause 2.6, your profile is seen by other Members and through a public search. In addition, our advertising partners may associate personal information collected by the advertiser directly from you with our cookies and similar technologies.

We can show your sponsored content in your network updates stream, which will be designated as sponsored content and behave like other updates of this type. If you perform any social action (such as recommending or commenting on the sponsored content), your action may be seen by your network and by other Members who are shown the sponsored content.

1.10. Log files, IP addresses and information about the computer and mobile device:

We collect information about the devices and networks used to access our Services.

When you visit or leave our Services (as a Member or Visitor) by clicking on a hyperlink or when you see a third party's website that includes our add-on or cookies (or similar technology), we automatically receive the URL of the site from which it came or to which You are directed. In addition, advertisers receive the URL of the page they are on when they click on an ad or through our Services. We also receive the Internet protocol ("IP") address of your computer or the proxy server that you use to access the network, the operating system of your computer, the type of web browser you use, your mobile device (including the identifier) of the mobile device provided by the mobile operating system), its mobile operating system, as well as the name of its Internet service provider or mobile network operator. We can also receive location data for third-party services or GPS devices you have established, and which we use to show you local information in our mobile applications for the prevention of fraud and security purposes. Most mobile devices allow you to prevent us from being sent location data in real time, and we will obviously respect your configuration.

1.11. Others:

We are constantly innovating to improve our Services, which means that we can create new ways to gather information about the Services.

Our Services constitute a dynamic and innovative environment, which means that we are always looking for ways to improve the services we offer. We often incorporate new features, some of which may involve the collection of new information. In addition, new partnerships or corporate acquisitions can lead to new functionalities, and we could gather other types of information. If we begin to collect significantly new types of personal data and materially change the way we manage your data, we will modify this Privacy Policy and notify you in accordance with clause 4.3.

2. How we use your personal information:

2.1. Consent for the processing of information by Citizenchat:

By registering or using the platform, you agree that the information you provide in your profile may be viewed by other Members and used in the manner described in this Privacy Policy and in our Terms of Use.

The personal information you provide may reveal or allow others to identify aspects of your life that are not explicitly listed in your profile (for example, your photo or your name may reveal your gender). By providing us with personal information when you create or update your account and your profile, you are expressly and voluntarily accepting the terms and conditions of our Terms of Use, and you freely accept and consent that we process your personal information in the ways set forth in this Privacy Policy.

Providing us with personal information considered "sensitive" by the relevant legislation is an entirely voluntary act, so if you do not want to, you can refrain from registering or withdrawing from the platform. You may withdraw your consent regarding the collection and processing of the information you provide at any time, in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use, by or closing your accounts.

Providing us with personal information considered "sensitive" by the relevant legislation is an entirely voluntary act, so if you do not want to, you can refrain from registering or withdrawing from the platform. You may withdraw your consent regarding the collection and processing of the information you provide at any time, in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use, by or closing your accounts.

You expressly authorize Citizenchat to treat the information provided in any way necessary for the fulfillment of the stated purposes, especially it is understood that the data is processed for: use, compilation, transformation, transmission, transfer, sale, lease.

2.2. Citizenchat Communications:

We communicate with you through Citizenchat messages, email and other available means. We can send you messages about the availability of the Services, security or other issues related to the service. We can also send promotional messages to your Citizenchat account.

We communicate with you via email messages, notices posted on Citizenchat websites or applications, messages in your Citizenchat mailbox and other means available through the Services, including text messages on mobile phones and automatic notifications.

Some examples of these communications include the following: (1) welcome and participation communications: to inform you about the best ways to use our Services, new features, updates about other Members with whom you are connected and their activity, etc .; (2) communications about the service: they cover the availability of the service, security and other questions about the operation of our Services; (3) promotional messages: include emails and messages, and may contain promotional information directly or on behalf of our partners, including business opportunities and information of companies that are hiring. These messages will be sent to you taking into account your information in the profile and your message preferences. We track the opening rate of your messages to provide you with the acceptance score that these messages receive. You can also stop receiving promotional messages by sending a request to the Citizenchat Help Center.

Keep in mind that you can not stop receiving messages about our service.

2.3. Communications with users:

With some communications you send in our Services, the recipient can see your name, your email address and some information about your network.

In many communications you initiate through our Services (for example, an invitation sent to a non-Member) your name and primary email address will appear in the message header. Messages you initiate can also provide the recipient with aggregate information about your network (for example, how many people are in your network). Other communications you initiate through the Services, such as requesting a presentation, will include your name as the initiator, but not your personal email address. Once you have connected with a person, regardless of who sent the invitation, your contact information will be shared with that Member.

2.4. Development of the service; Customized experience:

We use the information and content you provide us to carry out research and development of the website and personalize your experience and try to make it relevant and useful for you.

We use the information and content that other Members and you provide to conduct research and develop our Services to improve our Services in order to provide you and other Members and Visitors with a better and more intuitive experience and increase the number of Members and participation in Our Services and help professionals looking for economic opportunities.

We personalize your experience and the experiences of other people in our Services. For example, when you log in to your account, we can show you the names and photos of new Members who have recently joined your network or recent updates of your contacts and companies you follow. We try to show you content such as news and presentations relevant to you, your sector or your profession. We also use the information and content of the members for invitations and messages that promote our services and are personalized for the recipient.

2.5. Share information with affiliated companies:

We share your information in the different Services between companies that are part of the Citizenchat family.

We may share your personal information with our subsidiaries (ie, with controlled entities, which control or are under common control of Citizenchat) outside of the Citizenchat entity responsible for controlling your data to the extent reasonably necessary to provide the Services , likewise, the data provided to third parties may be transferred to carry out activities related to the Citizenchat function. We accept that this exchange of information takes place.

We combine the information internally in the different Services.

2.6. Share information with third parties:

Other people can see any information they include in their profile and any content they post on Citizenchat.

We will not provide your non-public information (such as your email address) to third parties without your consent, unless required by law or in the manner described in clauses 2.6. and 2.14. of this Policy. It is reiterated that consent is expressly and irrevocably granted upon entering our services.

Other people can find information about their Citizenchat profile on search engines, or use services such as Twitter in conjunction with their Citizenchat account.

We offer the function of a "public profile" that allows you to publish as a Member parts of your professional profile on the Internet. This public profile will be indexed and displayed on public search engines when someone searches for your name. You can choose the parts of the profile that you want the search engines to index or completely exclude you from this functionality, or limit the publicly visible information in your profile. However, third-party search engines may not automatically update your cache memory, which may contain old information from your public profile. Unless you delete it, your profiles will always be seen in the respective Services of Citizenchat and in its corresponding application.

The fact that other Members can see their professional profile depends on their degree of contact with the Member who sees them and the subscriptions they may have, their use of the Services, the access channels and the types of search.

We will not rent or sell personal information that has not been published in our Services, except in the manner described in this Privacy Policy. We will not share personal information that you have not published in the profile or that has been generated through your participation in other services such as Groups and business pages, except to process your instructions (for example, process payment information), or unless we have your express consent and that we believe in good faith that it is permitted by law or that it must be reasonably disclosed to: (1) comply with a judicial proceeding, including but not limited to, subpoenas for a civil or criminal trial, court orders or other mandatory disclosures; (2) enforce this Privacy Policy or our Terms of Use; (3) respond to claims for violation of rights of third parties; (4) answer questions from Members; or (5) protect the rights, property or safety of Citizenchat, our Members, Visitors or the general public. See clause 2.14. to know other details about our compliance policy regarding official requests for information.

In addition, if you have decided to associate any of your Service accounts with your Twitter, Facebook or similar account, you can easily share content from our Services in these third-party services, depending on your account settings (which may change at any time) and the respective policies of these companies. In addition, we allow third parties to consult the profile information (subject to your privacy settings) using the email address or the name and surname information through its Profile Application Programming Interface (see clause 2.7. continuation).

Third parties (for example, your email provider) can give you the option to upload certain information from your contacts into your own service. If you choose to share your contacts in this way, the third party will have the right to store, access, reveal and use these contacts in the manner described in their own terms and in their privacy policy.

2.7. Third parties that use the Citizenchat platform services:

We work with developers to create platform applications that use our development tools. You must decide whether or not you want to use Platform Applications.

We collaborate and allow third parties to use our development platform to offer shared services and functionalities with our Services. These third-party developers have entered into an agreement to use our platform technology, or accept our terms of use. These agreements contain restrictions on how third parties may access, store and use the personal information you provide to Citizenchat.

Keep in mind, however, that even if you revoke the permission granted to a Platform Application, your contacts may still use the Platform Application, so that the Application may continue to have access to certain information about you, as well as your contacts.

With the use and registration on the platform you expressly accept the transmission or transfer of the supplied data.

2.8. Surveys or polls:

We conduct our own surveys or surveys and we also help third parties to conduct this type of research. Your participation in surveys or surveys is voluntary. Surveys or surveys can be carried out by us, by Members or by third parties. Some third parties may include segmented ads on the results page based on the respondent's responses. In addition, we or third parties may continue to contact the respondent through messages regarding their participation. We may use third-party services to offer you incentives to participate in surveys or surveys. If your contact information is necessary to send you these incentives, you may be asked to provide your personal information to the third party offering the incentives, which will be used only to send the incentives and verify the contact information. It is up to you to provide this information or if you want to take advantage of an incentive. The person conducting the survey or survey will request your express consent to use any personally identifiable information for the purpose established in the survey or survey.

2.9. Search:

Our Services help you find other professionals, companies, groups, contents, services and jobs.

You can search for Members, job opportunities, business information and community content in Groups in our Services. You can also find employment opportunities and information about companies. You can also find content of Groups, We use the personal information of our Services, including the profiles of Members, the contents in Groups and the pages of companies to inform and delimit our search service.

2.10. Groups:

You are responsible for any information you post on our Services, and such content may be read by others.

If you participate in Groups, share publications in your stream of network updates or import a blog or other content, you should bear in mind that any information you disclose using these services may be read, collected and used by other Members in these forums, by developers, including third parties. Citizenchat is not responsible for the information it decides to reveal in these forums. You can delete your Group posts at any time. However, other people may have copied and used the information they shared.

2.11. Testimonials and announcements published through Citizenchat:

If you provide testimonials about our goods and services or publish ads through Citizenchat, we may publish those testimonials and examples of advertisements as part of a promotion of these services to third parties. The testimonials and announcements may include your name and other personal information that you have given us.

2.12. Personnel selection, marketing and sales solutions:

We offer a premium service to personnel selection technicians and other users, which can be used to search, organize and communicate with potential candidates or offer business opportunities. In some cases we allow to export the information of the public profile.

We offer personalized people search functions along with organization and communication tools (including activity alerts) as part of our personnel selection, marketing and sales solutions. These services allow subscribers - usually companies and professional organizations - to export certain information from the public profiles of Members, such as the name, the owner, the company and the current position and the location to effectively manage the information of the members. candidates.

A personnel selection technician or other subscriber can also manage and store information that has been obtained about you independently from our Services, such as a curriculum vitae, on our platform. Any personal information obtained outside of our Services will not be added by us to your profile and is not under our control, but is subject to the subscriber's policies of personal selection, marketing or sales solutions. We store this information on behalf of the subscriber who can delete it at any time. We do not process this information.

2.13. Page of companies, universities, influential people and other entities:

Companies and other entities can create pages in our Services. If you follow one of these pages, anonymous information will be provided to the administrators of the page.

Some pages in the Services are public and any communication or information that is shared through them will be accessible to the entity that created them. If you follow a person or organization, you will appear among your followers, and other users may see you including the owner of the page. We use anonymous information about followers and people who see a page to provide information about the performance of the page (for example, visits and updates).

2.14. Fulfillment of an order issued by a court and other disclosures:

We may disclose your personal information if required by law, in a subpoena or other order issued by a court, or if necessary to enforce our Terms of Use.

We may disclose your personal information, profile information or information about your activities as a Member or Visitor when required by law, in a subpoena or other order issued by a court, whether in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines or another jurisdiction, or we believe, in good faith, that disclosure is reasonably necessary to (1) investigate, prevent or act against alleged illegal or confirmed activities or to assist state security forces; (2) to enforce the Terms of Use, investigate and defend against claims or allegations of third parties, or to protect the security or integrity of our Service; or (3) to exercise or protect the rights, property or safety of Citizenchat, our Members, employees or other persons. We will try to notify Members that their personal information has been legally requested when we deem it appropriate in our judgment, unless prohibited by law, by a court order or when the request is an emergency. By virtue of our principles, we can question these requirements when we consider, in our understanding, that the requests are too broad, vague or lack the necessary authority, although we do not commit to challenge each request.

2.15. Disclosure to third parties following a change of ownership control or the sale of Citizenchat:

If there is a change in ownership control or the sale of all or part of Citizenchat, we may share your information with a third party, who will be entitled to use that information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

We may also disclose your personal information to a third party as part of the sale of assets of Citizenchat, a subsidiary or division, or as a result of a change of control of the company or one of its subsidiaries, or to prepare any of these events. Any third party to whom we transfer or sell our assets will have the right to continue using the personal information and other data that you provide us in the manner provided in this Privacy Policy.

2.16. Service providers:

We may employ third parties to help us with the Services.

We can hire third-party companies and people to facilitate our Services (such as, for example, in maintenance, analysis, auditing, marketing and development tasks). Said third parties will have limited access to your information and only to execute these tasks on our behalf, and are obliged to Citizenchat not to disclose it or use it for other purposes.

2.17 Processing of data outside your country:

We can process your information outside of the country where you live. We can transfer your information and process it outside of your country of residence, wherever Citizenchat operates, its affiliates or its service providers.

2.18 Advertisers and other advertising partners

The income we get from advertising allows us to maintain and improve our services. We use the information described in this Privacy Policy to help make our advertising more relevant to you, to measure its effectiveness and to help us recognize your devices to provide you with ads within and outside of Citizenchat. Our advertising partners and affiliates. We share information with them about browser cookie IDs, mobile device IDs, hash-encrypted email addresses, demographics or their interests, as well as visualized content or actions performed on a web page or application

Some of our advertising partners, specifically our advertisers, also allow us to collect similar information directly from your website or application integrating our advertising technology.

Citizenchat adheres to the Principles of self-regulation for digital behavioral advertising (also called "interest-based advertising") of the Digital Advertising Alliance and adheres to the APD consumer choice tool so that you are excluded from Interest-based advertising that you can find. In addition, our ad policies allow advertisers to send except for those categories that they consider sensitive or are prohibited by law such as race, religion, politics, sex life or health.

3. Your options and obligations:

3.1. Rights of access, rectification or elimination of your information, and closure of your account

You can change your Citizenchat information at any time by editing your profile, deleting content that you have published or closing your account.

You have the right to (1) access, modify, correct or delete your personal information controlled by Citizenchat in relation to your profile, (2) change or delete your content and (3) close your account. You can request your personal information that can not be seen in the profile or that can not be accessed easily (for example, your IP access logs) through the Help Center. If you close your account (s), your information will usually be removed from the Service within 24 hours. Normally we delete the information of the closed accounts and depersonalize any log and other security data in a period of 30 days from the closing of the account, Bear in mind that the information that you have shared with other people or that other people have copied can follow Seeing yourself after you have closed your account or deleted it from your profile. The contents of Groups associated with closed accounts will show an unknown user as the owner. In addition, you may not be able to access, correct or delete information from you that other Members have copied or exported from our Services, because it may no longer be in our possession. Your public profile will continue to show up in search engine results until you update your cache.

3.2. Data preservation:

We will keep your information while your account is active or as long as necessary. We will keep personal information that you provide while your account is active or to the extent necessary to provide services.

We may retain your personal information even after you have closed your account, if keeping it is reasonably necessary to comply with our legal obligations, meet regulatory requirements, resolve disputes among Members, prevent fraud and abuse or apply this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Service. use.

We may keep the personal information of our Members, for a limited period of time, when requested to comply with the law. Our Customer Service may retain the information to the extent necessary to provide you with help information and trend analysis only, but we usually delete or depersonalize the closed account data in accordance with what is described in clause 3.1. , except in the case of our add-on impressions data (for example, the information you visited on websites that carry our social add-on, but in which you did not click), that we depersonalized within a period of 7 days (although we retain the logs of web servers for 30 days for security reasons, debugging of errors and stability of the website) creating anonymous data sets that can not be related to specific people.

3.3 Channels of attention to suppliers as holders of information

Members have the right to know what personal information Citizenchat has about them and if they consider it necessary, they have the right to update or rectify it. They also have the right to request the deletion of data from the Citizenchat databases, provided that the data is not necessary to advance the legal and / or contractual obligations that govern the relationship with Citizenchat. They also have the right to make a claim if they consider that Citizenchat is not complying with the personal data protection regime. The Citizenchat area in charge of attending to the rights that [insert] or whoever takes their place.

The owner of the information may exercise the described rights through the following channel:

The owner of the information that considers that the information contained in our database should be subject to correction, updating or deletion, or when it notices the alleged breach of any of the duties contained in the regulations that regulate the Protection of Personal Data, You can file a claim, which will be processed under the following rules:

In the case of a consultation, it will be formulated by means of a preferably written request, by the mechanisms provided in this document, with the identification of the holder and the address to which correspondence must be addressed. The consultation will be attended within a maximum term of ten (10) working days counted from the date of receipt of the same. When it is not possible to attend within that term, the consultant will be informed, stating the reasons for the delay and indicating the date on which the consultation will be attended, which in no case may exceed five (5) working days after the expiration of the foreground.

In the case of a claim, it will be formulated by means of a preferably written request, by the mechanisms provided in this document, with the identification of the owner, the description of the facts that give rise to the claim and the address to which it should be addressed. correspondence, accompanying the documents you want to enforce. If the claim is incomplete, the claimant will be required within five (5) days after receipt of the claim, to correct the faults. After two (2) months from the date of the request, without the claimant submitting the required information, it shall be understood that the claim has been abandoned.

The maximum term to attend the claim will be fifteen (15) business days counted from the day following the date of its receipt. When it is not possible to attend the claim within said term, the interested party will be informed of the reasons for the delay and the date on which his claim will be handled, which in no case may exceed eight (8) business days following the expiration of the first finished.

In the event that Citizenchat is not competent to resolve the claim, it will be transferred to the corresponding party within a maximum period of two (2) business days and will inform the holder of the situation.

In the event that the owner has not been satisfied with the response, he may file a complaint with the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce, once he has exhausted the process of consultation or complaint before Citizenchat.

The elimination of the information will be subject to the technological means that manage the databases allow it. In any case, the actions available to Citizenchat will be deployed to attend the client's request and to suspend the treatment requested.

4. Important information:

4.1. Minimum age:

Must meet minimum LEGAL AGE to create a Citizenchat account.

As described in clause 2.1. of the Terms of use, you must have a minimum age to use Citizenchat.

4.3. Modifications to this Privacy Policy:

When we change this Privacy Policy, we will notify you.

We may modify this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make significant changes in the way we treat your personal information, or in the Privacy Policy, we will notify you in the Services or by other means, such as by email. Review the changes carefully. If you agree with the changes, simply continue using our Services. And if you object to the changes in the terms and do not wish to continue using our Services, you may close your account (s). Unless stated otherwise, our current Privacy Policy applies to all information we hold about you and your account. If you use our Services after receiving a notification of changes or having posted to our Services, it will be understood that you agree to the modified terms or practices.

4.4. Security:

We take privacy and security seriously, keep in mind that the Internet is not a secure environment, so be careful and choose strong passwords.

We have implemented security systems designed to protect the personal information you provide in accordance with industry standards. Access to your data in our Services is password protected and data such as credit card information is protected by encryption when transferred between your web browser and the Services.

We also offer secure access via the https protocol to the Citizenchat website. In order to protect the data stored on our servers, we also periodically audit our system to detect possible vulnerabilities and attacks, and use a secure access data center. However, because the Internet is not a completely secure environment, we can not ensure or guarantee the security of all the information you transmit to us. There is no guarantee that the information can not be obtained, revealed, altered or destroyed in breach of any of our physical, technical or management security measures. You have the responsibility to protect the security of your access information. Please note that emails, instant messages and other similar means of communication with other Members are not encrypted, and we strongly recommend that you do not share confidential information by these means. Help maintain the security of your account by using a strong password.

4.5 Validity of the personal data treatment policy

This version of the personal data treatment policy comes into effect on September 15, 2018 and is valid until the approval and publication of a new version that is approved by Citizenchat

How to contact us:

If you have questions or wish to comment on this Privacy Policy, or make your rights effective on the supplied data, contact us online through email at: